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Sample Proyectos

Integrated unit-end Proyectos are where students use Spanish in meaningful, real-life contexts tied to unit learning objectives.

Instructor users who say the Proyectos are a great way for students to showcase their learning.
Student users feel the Proyectos measure their mastery of the unit’s learning goals.

Proyecto 2:

¿Quién eres tú?

Using Conversaciones en la universidad as a model, you will write questions and then interview a Spanish speaker.

Brandon, Sophomore, Marketing

Duyen, Senior, International Relations

Phil, Retiree, Continuing Education Online​

Proyecto 3:

Mi horario.

Create your calendar using the template provided Then, write a paragraph of about 75-100 words describing some of your activities this week.

Chela, N/A, Undeclared

Proyecto 4:

Mi universidad.

Create a two-minute video describing at least three favorite places on campus and/or where you live and study.

Brian, Freshman, Economics

Proyecto 5:

Mi carta de nominación. 

Write a formal letter of about 100-150 words nominating a person you admire for the “Premio a la mejor persona.”

Samantha, Senior, Nursing

Claire, Junior, Business Analytics

Proyecto 6:

Mi familia.

Create a three-minute audio or video describing your family with at least five family members, including yourself.

Jaiden, Sophomore, Biomedical Sciences

Proyecto 7:

Un club deportivo estudiantil. 

Create an ad of about 150 words to promote fitness with the sport you would like to feature.

Jordan, Freshman, Undeclared

Proyecto 8:


Create a three-minute video describing the meal you made or ate in order to participate in the #AyerComí food challenge.

John, Sophomore, Kinesiology

Lucas, Freshman, Biology

Dylan, Sophomore, Health Sciences

Proyecto 9:

Una infografía. 

Create an infographic of at least 150 words advocating for an aspect of mental or physical well-being.

Jordan, Freshman, Biomedical Sciences

Proyecto 12:

Mi destino ecoturístico favorito. 

Create a three-minute video describing a trip, either imaginary or real, to an ecotourism destination.

Rina, Freshman, Undeclared

Proyecto 16:

Un malentendido. 

Create a text message dialogue of about 75-100 words between two people about future plans where a miscommunication leads to a misunderstanding. Then, create a two-minute video of yourself with a partner, performing face to face the same dialogue you wrote as a text message. Include a misunderstanding that is resolved.

Jonathan, Junior, Mathematics and Psychology

Proyecto 17:

Mi identidad y los estereotipos. 

Create a two-minute video describing where you are from and how you think people from your community can be described. Then, write an essay of about 200 words on stereotype you and/or others have experienced and how to debunk them.

Nicole, Senior, Japanese Studies

Proyecto 18: 

El poema y su análisis.

Create an audio or video recording performing the poem you chose. Then, write a commentary of at least 250 words analyzing the poem, based on guided questions studied in this unit.

Diji, Freshman, Neuroscience 

Emilee, Sophomore, Politics & International Affairs

Proyecto 19:

Experiencias transformadoras. 

Crea un video de tres minutos en el que relatas un momento transformador en tu vida. Presta atención al tono de voz y al lenguaje corporal. Escribe un resumen de 300 palabras sobre el texto Viaje a la universidad.


Proyecto 21: 

Las costumbres y tradiciones populares. 

Crea un video de tres minutos para describir una costumbre o tradición típica que se celebra en la cultura hispana entre familia y amigos. Desarolla un cuento de 300 palabras que se basa en la costumbre o tradición que investigaste sobre el mundo hispano.