AccesoHub: Forma y función
Amy Rossomondo, University of Kansas
Javier Barroso, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Acceso Hub: Forma y función is designed to be used in conjunction with Acceso, an open educational resource created at the University of Kansas
Supports the following courses:
- Intermediate
- Post-Intermediate
- Heritage
The Details

Acceso Hub: Forma y función provides both instructor and self-graded activities and a gradebook, which are accessible from laptops, tablets or SmartPhones iOS or Android. Acceso Hub: Forma y función can be integrated with all major course management systems, providing single sign-on and gradebook integration.
All course content, except for these specific activities, is accessible from KU. Please see the Acceso website for details, including links for more information.

Additional Information
- Delivered through LingroHub
- Now available with LinguaMeeting native-speaker coaching